Group D - Poroid fungi with round or angular pores, one
layer of tubes, and a
pinkish, reddish, or orangish Context


1. Pores separable as independent tubes; basidiocarp fleshy, gelatinous on top;
    flesh exuding red sap when cut .................................................................................Fistulina hepatica

1. Pores not separable, basidiocarp not gelatinous; not exuding red sap when cut

    2. Pore surface pink or pinkish brown; typically on coniferous hosts;
        context rosy pink to pinkish brown.......................................................................Rhodofomes cajanderi

    2. Pore surface deep red or bright reddish-orange when fresh; on hardwoods

        3. Pore surface deep red; pileus surface orange to cinnabar red when fresh, fading to
            white with age; basidiocarp leathery when fresh; pore surface retains color better than
            pileus surface.........................................................................................................Trametes cinnabarina

        3. Pore surface bright reddish orange when fresh; pileus surface bright yellowish orange when fresh;
            basidiocarp soft and watery when fresh; pileus surface cherry red with KOH .......... Hapalopilus croceus


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