Key to Poroid Fungi
1. Basidiocarp 1) almost globose; 1-3 cm diameter; on coniferous wood; pore surface covered
by partial veil or 2) basidiocarp extremely small (1-3 mm in diameter), pendent from a stalk-like
2. Basidiocarp globose with pores covered by a partial veil................................................. Cryptoporus volvatus
2. Basidiocarp extremely small and pendent ........................................................................Porodisculus pendulus
1. Basidiocarp not as above
3. Fertile surface superficially porelike but consisting of a network of shallow pits, wrinkles, and
branched folds with cross-veins
4. Upper surface of pileus coral pink, nearly glabrous; projecting up to 8 cm from substrate......Byssomerulius incarnatus
4. Upper surface of pileus white, wooly; projecting up to 1.5 cm from substrate......................Phlebia tremellosa
3. Fertile surface with 1) distinct round or angular pores, or 2) tooth-like structures, or 3) sinuous or
winding pores very much longer in one direction (mazelike or daedaleoid), or 4) gill-like (lamellate)
5. Basidiocarp resupinate; whitish to cream-colored fertile surface with some combination of
round to angular to oblong pores or maze-like or tooth-like areas ......................................Xylodon paradoxus
5. Basidiocarp not resupinate; typically with well-formed caps or cap-like structures
6. Fertile surface appears toothlike, mazelike, or lamellate
7. Fertile surface distinctly toothlike ..............................................................................................Group A
7. Fertile surface daedaleoid and/or lamellate.................................................................................Group B
6. Fertile surface with distinct round or angular pores
8. Basidiocarp hard and woody when fresh and showing more than one layer of tubes (i.e. more
than one year’s growth) when cut vertically down the center (perennial polypores)...................Group C
8. Basidiocarps soft, fleshy, leathery, fibrous, or corky when fresh and showing only one layer
of tubes when cut down vertically down the center
9. Inner substance (context) yellowish brown or darker brown or decidedly pinkish, reddish,
yellowish, or orange
10. Context pinkish to reddish or yellowish or orange...........................................................Group D
10. Context yellowish brown or darker brown......................................................................Group E
9. Inner substance (context) white, whitish, pale yellow or pale brown
11. Basidiocarp with a more or less distinct simple or branched stem..................................Group F
11. Basidiocarp not stemmed (sessile)
12. Upper surface covered with a reddish or brownish, varnish-like layer or crust.
Note: A varnished layer, if present, is typically hard, glabrous, and shiny or glossy
at least when young. Upper surfaces of older varnished specimens may become dull
if covered by a layer of deposited spores.
13. On conifers, predominately Tsuga canadensis; flesh of cap
without melanoid bands or concentric growth zones............................Ganoderma tsugae
13. On hardwoods
14. Flesh of cap without melanoid bands but with concentric
growth zones ..................................................................................Ganoderma sessile
14. Flesh of cap with melanoid bands but without concentric
growth zones ...................................................................................Ganoderma curtisii
12. Upper surface not at all varnished as described above
15. Pore surface distinctly yellow or more or less smoke-colored or black
16. Pore surface distinctly yellow
17. On living or dead deciduous trees ......................................Laetiporus sulphureus
17. On living or dead conifers.................................................. Laetiporus huroniensis
16. Pore surface more or less smoke-colored or black....................................Group G
15. Pore surface not as above
18. Margin of pileus projecting downward 5 mm or more beyond the pore surface;
found only on birch (Betula) .......................................................Fomitopsis betulina
18. Margin not as above
19. Pileus surface more or less entirely brown or blackish; pores white,
bruising brownish, flesh watery when young......................... Ischnoderma resinosum
19. Pileus surface not uniformly brown in color
20. Basidiocarp soft and spongy in texture when fresh,
context often watery..........................................................................Group H
20. Basidiocarp firm and corky, fibrous or tough and leathery when
fresh...................................................................................................Group I
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