Group I - Poroid Fungi with round or angular pores, one
layer of tubes, Whitish to Light Tan context, no stem, no
smoke Or Black colored pore surface, and a Corky, fibrous,
tough, or leathery texture
1. Growing on conifers
2. Pileus less than 5 mm thick; pore surface with violet coloration...............................Trichaptum abietinum
2. Pileus up to 5 cm thick; pore surface cream colored ...............................................Heterobasdion irregulare
1. Growing on hardwoods
3. Pore surface with violet or reddish colors
4. Pores with violet colors ..........................................................................................Trichaptum biforme
4. Pore surface reddish when fresh and peeling off in a thin rubbery layer....................Gloeoporus dichrous
3. Pore surface without violet or reddish colors
5. Fruitbody forming small concentrically zoned, cup-shaped structures on top of sessile, whitish,
shelf-like portions bearing pores beneath............................................................... Poronidulus conchifer
5. Fruitbody without cup-shaped structures
6. Upper surface of pileus zonate
7. Pileus zonation conspicuous with many narrow, sharply contrasting, differently
colored zones.............................................................................................. Trametes versicolor
7. Pileus not so strongly zonate, pileus grayish white to gray to brown with zones
nearly unicolorous in any given specimen except for darker marginal zones........Trametes hirsuta
6. Upper surface of pileus azonate or faintly zonate; pileus cream or buff-colored or grayish
8. Pileus thin (less than 1 cm), up to 6 cm wide; margin radially striate ...........Trametes pubescens
8. Pileus thick (1-4 cm), 10 or more cm wide; margin not radially striate
9. Context separated from tubes by narrow dark layer .............................Bjerkandera fumosa
9. Context not separated from tubes by narrow dark layer
10. Growing on willow (Salix); anise smell when fresh; 2-3 pores per mm......Trametes suaveolens
10. Growing on other hardwoods; not smelling of anise; 3-7 pores per mm
11. Growing mainly on oak (Quercus) and chestnut (Castanea); margins with
green coloration upon handling ....................................................Niveoporofomes spraguei
11. Growing on black locust (Robinia) or hackberry (Celtis); margins
without green coloration upon bruising or handling....................Vanderbylia robiniophila
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