Office Staff

Helena Cicero
Helena Cicero

Director of Campus Sustainability

Helena Cicero

Director of Campus Sustainability (717)796-1800 Ext. 2431


Lori Chance
Lori Chance

Sustainability Program Coordinator

Lori Chance

Sustainability Program Coordinator (717) 443-3531

Lori Chance is the Sustainability Program Coordinator.  With a Masters Degree in Community Psychology and a background in sociology, psychology and work in non-profit organizations, her interests include community organizing and awareness, social change and sustainability. Raising her two children, now 22 and 20 on a 17 - acre farm has allowed her to explore her own passion for creation care and land stewardship. On their farm, they house several horses and chickens which help to support the important nutrients that go into their family gardens. Lori is excited to be a part of a team of enthusiastic students in their efforts to protect the earth and make a healthier future for Messiah’s campus.


Maggie Stauder

Student Sustainability Engagement Coordinator

Maggie Stauder

Student Sustainability Engagement Coordinator (717) 796-1800 X 4784




Danielle Leppert
Danielle Leppert

Waste Coordinator

Danielle Leppert

Waste Coordinator 717-796-1800 X 4784



Melody Pha
Melody Pha

Communication Coordinator

Melody Pha

Communication Coordinator 717-796-1800 X 4784
Hannah Martin
Hannah Martin

Biodiversity Coordinator

Hannah Martin

Biodiversity Coordinator 717-796-1800 X 4784

Hannah is a sophomore Biology major. As the new biodiversity coordinator, her tasks include maintaining Messiah’s forested areas, managing invasive species, and educating students on the importance of biodiversity. Hannah’s passion for biodiversity originates from the nearby Adirondack Mountains where she grew up. From 2019-2022 she worked as an employee with Robillard’s Plant City, a small family-owned greenhouse. If Hannah wasn’t tending to plants, you could find her leaving for weekend trips to Lake Placid in an attempt to become an ADK 46R. Hannah is grateful and excited for her opportunity to work in the sustainability office. Hannah often spends her time immersing herself in the beauty of nature, you can catch her spending time with friends, studying, or learning fun facts about invertebrates. 

Owen Anderson
Owen Anderson

Grantham Community Garden Coordinator

Owen Anderson

Grantham Community Garden Coordinator 717-796-1800 X 4784
Connor Touhey
Connor Touhey

Energy Coordinator

Connor Touhey

Energy Coordinator

sustainability@messiah.eddu 717-796-1800 x4784

Connor Touhey is a Senior Mechanical Engineering Major. As student energy coordinator, he assesses and provides input on the energy consumption and production on campus, as well as evaluating sources of renewable energy sources on campus. Connor spends a lot of time in Excel, but when not sitting at a computer he enjoys topics on transportation. Specifically micro mobility, such as bikes, e-bikes, scooters, and skateboards. On the macro level he loves discussion on the electric revolution happening in the automotive sector and encourages EV adoption as well as the expansion of EV charging infrastructure.