Director of Campus Sustainability

Sustainability Program Coordinator
Lori Chance
Sustainability Program Coordinator
lchance@messiah.edu (717) 443-3531
Lori Chance is the Sustainability Program Coordinator. With a Masters Degree in Community Psychology and a background in sociology, psychology and work in non-profit organizations, her interests include community organizing and awareness, social change and sustainability. Raising her two children, now 23 and 21 on a 17 - acre farm has allowed her to explore her own passion for creation care and land stewardship. On their farm, they house several horses and chickens which help to support the important nutrients that go into their family gardens. Lori is excited to be a part of a team of enthusiastic students in their efforts to protect the earth and make a healthier future for Messiah’s campus.

Student Sustainability Engagement Coordinator
Maggie Stauder
Student Sustainability Engagement Coordinator
sustainability@messiah.edu (717) 796-1800 X 4784
Magie Stauder is a sophomore in Sustainability Studies with a concentration in conservation and agriculture, along with a minor in Business Administration. As the Engagement Coordinator for the Office of Sustainability, she oranizes the Sustain-A-Fest event in the Fall, along with other events. Outside of the Office, she also works in the Library on campus, is Treasurer of Earthkeepers, Communication Coordinator of Perfect Unison A Capella, and attends other clubs including Sign Language Club. Magie has a large collection of houseplants, and even a small greenhouse at home. She has always been passionate about conservation and creation care, and she is especially interested in herpetology.

Waste Coordinator
Danielle Leppert
Waste Coordinator
sustainability@messiah.edu 717-796-1800 X 4784
Danielle Leppert is a Junior Film and Media Arts major. As a student Waste Coordinator, her tasks include collecting and analyzing trash, recycling and organics data. She leads our Food Recovery Network Chapter and Campus Race to Zero Waste program. Danielle is excited for the opportunity to make a change about our campus waste. Danielle spends her free time reading, listening to podcasts, going for a walk with friends, binging the tv show Friends, or learning about every day sustainable swaps.

Communication Coordinator
Melody Pha
Communication Coordinator
sustainability@messiah.edu 717-796-1800 X 4784
Melody Pha is a Senior English major with a concentration in professional writing and a minor in Public Relations.
Outside of the office, she works as a writing and social media assistant under Messiah's Marketing and Communication Department, secretary for the Asian Student Association, and as an outreach coordinator for Messiah Lifeways at the Agape Center. She is passionate about storytelling, traveling, and learning about cultures and languages.She loves mango, matcha, boba, thrifting, photo shoots, and plants/flowers. In her free time, she enjoys watching movies/tv shows, reading and photography.
As the Communications Coordinator, she is excited to use her storytelling abilities to inform students about the importance of sustainability and developing healthy habits to better care for our earth. Her goal is to foster self-awareness and encourage students to be mindful of their actions as we work together to care for our planet.

Biodiversity Coordinator
Chad Doxzen
Biodiversity Coordinator
sustainability@messiah.edu 717-796-1800 X 4784
Chad Doxzen is a senior with a major in Sustainability and a concentration in Community Development. As the Biodiversity Coordinator, he educates students of the imporance of biodiversity on campus. He also helps manage and maintain different areas of Messiah's campus that help promote biodiversity, as well as helping organize and take part in various initiatives on campus such as tree plantings. Chad grew up in rural Maryland, surrounded by forests and farmland. Finding his passion for sustainability through environmental science classes in high school, he is excited for the opportunity to serve messiah through this position in their sustainability program. If he is not working or sleeping, he will be out spending time with friends or reading.

Grantham Community Garden Coordinator
Owen Anderson
Grantham Community Garden Coordinator
sustainability@messiah.edu 717-796-1800 X 4784
Owen Anderson is a sophomore Electrical Engineering and Philosophy double major serving as the Garden Coordinator for the Office of Sustainability. He has been fascinated by plants and sustainable methods of growing them for many years, which led him to build several aquaponics systems, a garden, and a wildlife pond at his house. As Garden Coordinator, he manages and executes the planting, growth, harvesting, and distribution of produce from the campus's two gardens and chicken coop. Aside from gardening he loves to read a wide variety of books, go on long hikes, design and build robots, and play guitar. Owen is especially passionate about bringing about a world where nature and society exist in harmony through means such as permaculture, optimistic literature, degrowth, and community action. He loves deep conversations and meeting new people, so if you have anything you would like to talk about, please direct them his way!

Energy Coordinator
Hayden Crown
Energy Coordinator
sustainability@messiah.eddu 717-796-1800 x4784
Hi! My name is Hayden, I am a senior sustainability studies major with a focus on community development. As the student Energy Coordinator on campus, I will be focused on educating our student population, along with collecting and distributing information. I hope that as a community we can build a better understanding of energy and promote discussion about these topics. It is only through awareness and engagement that we will make change.

Organics Collection Worker
Wesley Paris
Organics Collection Worker
sustainability@messiah.edu 717-796-1800 X 4784
Wesley is a first year Organismal Biology major.