Jan Dormer
Associate Professor of TESOL
Ed.D., University of Toronto, 2006
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning; Concentration: TESOL Teacher Development
Dissertation Title: A perfect blend?: A study of coworker relationships between native English speaking and nonnative English speaking teachers in two school sites in Brazil and Indonesia
Committee Member: Jim Cummins,
M.A., Ball State University, 1986
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
B.A., Asbury College, 1982
Elementary Education
Jan Dormer is frequently an invited speaker on topics of TESOL in Christian ministry, especially addressing ESL and EFL issues in Christian schools around the world.
Current Projects:
I am currently working on developing materials for English learners which focus specifically on fostering understanding and skills in reconciliation. It is my hope that these materials can be used around the world in contexts where diverse groups are learning to work and serve and engage in development together.
I am also engaged in research on disposition development in ESL/EFL teachers, and how strategic tasks incorporated into teacher education can help teachers become more effective not only in skills, but also in affective competencies.
- Dormer, J.E. (2013) Passport to adventure: Explore A and B (low-intermediate and
- intermediate level elementary EFL student texts, teacher's books, and supplementary materials) Purposeful Design Publishers, ACSI.
- Dormer, J. E. (2012). Shared competence: NEST/NNEST collaboration that benefits all. In
- Honigsfeld and M. Dove (Eds.), Co-teaching and Other Collaborative Practices in
- the EFL/ESL Classroom: Rationale, Research, Reflections, and Recommendations, Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Dormer, J. E. (2011). Teaching English in missions: Effectiveness and integrity. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library Publishers.
- Dormer, J. E. (2010). Four-skills EFL with a Christian emphasis. In K.B. Purgason (Ed.),
- English language teaching in theological contexts. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library Publishers.
- Dormer, J. E. (2010). A diverse EFL program for both seminary and community students. In K.B. Purgason (Ed.), English language teaching in theological contexts. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library Publishers.
- Dormer, J. E. (2010). I can! Bringing self-evaluation to a task-based syllabus for language learning success. In M. C. Coombe and A. Shehadeh (Eds.), Task-Based Learning. Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Inc.
- Dormer, J. E. (2010). Strength through difference: Optimizing NEST/NNEST relationships on a school staff. In A. Mahboob (Ed.), The NNEST lens: Non native English speakers in TESOL (pp. 285-304). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Dormer, J. E. (2010, January). [Review of the book Christian and critical: English language educators in dialogue, by M. S. Wong and S. Canagarajah (Eds.)]. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 46(1), 114-116.
- Dormer, J. E. (2009). Where can I get my shoe fixed?: Authentic tasks for students in EFL settings. In M. Dantas-Whitney & S. Rilling (Eds.), Authenticity in the language classroom and beyond: Adult learners (pp. 11-18). Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Inc.
- Dormer, J. E. (2009, April). Language Development for MKs. Evangelical Missions Quarterly,45(2), 188-196.
- Dormer, J.E. (2007). When teachers don’t speak English. The Jakarta Post. April 28.
- Dormer, J. E. (2007, October). Relationships between native and non-native English speaking teachers for missions. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 43(4), 458-465.
- Dormer, J.E. (2006). Lack of native speakers not the problem. The Jakarta Post. April 22.
- Dormer, J.E. (2005). Misconceptions abound about the nature of bilingual education. The Jakarta Post. June 18.
Courses Taught:
Messiah College:
- EDUC 308 Instruction and Assessment with English Language Learners
- EDUC 309 Advanced TESOL Methods and Assessment
- EDUC 408 Seminar & Field Experience in TESOL
- EDUC 518 Second Language Acquisition: Theories and Context
- EDME 520 Applied Linguistics: Grammar and Phonology in TESOL
- EDME 521 TESOL Methods and Assessment with field experience
- EDME 532 TESOL Internship and Seminar
- EDME 533 TESOL Thesis/Project and Seminar
TESOL International Association:
- Fundamentals of TESOL
Vocational Story:
I grew up in Brazil, and thus developed an awareness that Brazilians and others around the world want to learn English. So after getting a degree in elementary education, I quickly enrolled in a Master’s program to learn how to teach English as a foreign language. At the beginning of my career, I taught immigrants and international students in Canada, for 8 years. Then, God led my developed ESL programs for international schools, developed a Master’s program for Indonesian teachers, and taught English at a Muslim elementary school. We got to return to Brazil for five years, where I developed a Christian English school, with our own curriculum and programs for all ages. Most recently, we worked for a year in Kenya, where I taught English and education in a Bible college. I currently am also involved with ACSI (Association of Christian Schools), both in writing for their ESL textbook series, as well as speaking at conferences. During the last ten years I have enjoyed not only teaching English, but training English teachers, both abroad and in two universities in Indiana. I have no greater joy than to be a small part in equipping teachers to serve and meet the needs of English learners, both at home and abroad.
Traveling, baking, hiking
Favorite Quote:
I Peter 4:10: Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
Advice for First-Year students:
Don’t be afraid to talk to your professors! Office visits and emails help us to get to know you better!