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Department of Language, Literature and Writing

Department of Language, Literature and Writing

Creative Thinkers. Engaged Speakers. Perceptive Readers. Responsible Writers.

The Department of Language, Literature and Writing is a community of faculty and students who pursue the call to creative thought, engaged discussion, perceptive reading and responsible writing as tools for the future.

We offer diverse programs in creative writing, professional writing, English, Chinese, Spanish and French. In each of our majors and minors, you will explore the ways languages from diverse cultures, periods, places and media significantly shape our identities, deepen our interactions with others and enable us to change the world as people of Christian faith.

Our programs prepare you to succeed in a variety of fields including teaching, advanced scholarship, journalism, law, business, ministry, public service, public relations, social media marketing, library science and other professional fields.

With the community of your classmates and the support of your professors, you have the opportunity to examine yourself and the world around you through the lens of language, literature and writing.

Information on Department of Language, Literature and Writing

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