
Baccalaureate banner image cropped 1

Baccalaureate, Friday, May 10, 2024

(Open to all ticketed graduates and their ticketed guests)

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. - Brubaker Auditorium, Eisenhower Campus Center

(Doors open at 6:00 p.m.)

Baccalaureate is a service of worship and fellowship that provides graduates an opportunity to remember, reflect and give thanks for God's faithfulness during their time at Messiah University. This event is designed by graduating seniors in collaboration with the Office of Campus Ministries.

Baccalaureate tickets

The seating at the Baccalaureate service is very limited and requires tickets for entry. Each graduate will be allotted one (1) ticket for her/himself to attend, plus two (2) tickets for guest seating in Brubaker Auditorium.

*Important Baccalaureate Ceremony Ticket Information*

Baccalaureate livestream

For those unable to attend Baccalaureate in person, the University will provide a livestream of the service which may be viewed at starting at 7 p.m.

All graduates and their guests are invited to attend a dessert reception in Hitchcock Arena following the Baccalaureate service.

Refreshments are complimentary to all graduates and their guests; no tickets required for the reception.