Welcome to Messiah University!

We are proud of our beautiful and spacious campus, our fine facilities, and our excellent staff. I trust that you will find that the hospitality and service of our community more than meets your needs. It is our desire that you will genuinely enjoy your stay with us.
Messiah University is a Christian liberal arts college offering majors in a wide variety of humanities and science disciplines and professional fields.
Founded in 1909 by the Brethren in Christ denomination, the University today embraces many Christian traditions while remaining true to the principles and ideals of our founders. Messiah University combines academic excellence with unapologetic Christian commitment. It is our hope that you sense our essence even as you visit us however briefly.
Again, welcome, and enjoy your time at Messiah.
Kim S. Phipps
This web page will inform you of the many services available to you as our guest at Messiah University during the summer.
During the summer the Guest Relations Student Staff is here to assist you from 7:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m. each day. The front desk is located on the lower level of the Eisenhower Campus Center across from the Box Office and the phone number is (717) 796-4434. The Guest Relations staff would be happy to address any questions, problems, or concerns you have. The Conference Services Office is open from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, for your assistance as well. It is located on the second floor of the Eisenhower Campus Center across from the dining hall in Room 224, and the phone number is (717) 691-6009.
If you have any comments or concerns regarding your stay at Messiah University that you would like to share, please stop by my office. I appreciate your input as it helps us evaluate and improve our conference operations.
We look forward to making your stay here an enjoyable and memorable one.
Jody Brandt, '89
Director of Conference and Event Services
Your Home Away From Home
All conference guests must register during their stay on campus. Each Conference group determines a head of time where they would like to hold their registration. To find out where on campus your groups registration is being held, please refer to any information that was provided to you by your groups organizer and/or visit the Guest Relations Desk located inside the lobby of Eisenhower Campus Center for information. During registration, you will be given your room assignment, building/dining access tap card, and room key.
Keys/Access Cards
Keys to individual rooms are distributed at registration. Room keys should be returned to the Guest Relations desk or to your designated check out location. You will be charged a $75.00 replacement fee for keys not returned.
In addition, you will receive an ID access tap card. An access reader can be found at the outside entrance of each dormitory/apartment building. ALL residence hall doors will remain locked during your stay. We ask that you do not prop open doors.
The ID access tap card will also be used as your meal pass and will be needed to enter the Dining Room for all meals.
Messiah University is proud to offer two (non disposable) towels. The cost for this package is $2.00 per guest. Guests may choose not to purchase this package and instead provide their own towels. All guests, even those who do not purchase the linen package, will receive a pillow, fitted pillow cover, and a blanket. If you are missing any of these items, please contact the Guest Relations Desk at 717-796-4434.
To assist our staff with your check-out, please place your garbage bag outside your room or apartment door when departing. Towels should remain in the room and hung up if possible on the towel racks. Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated.
Miscellaneous Policies
We ask that you respect the following policies during your stay on our campus.
Quiet Hours: Please observe quiet hours from 10 p.m.-8 a.m.
Curfew: Children under age 16 should not be out on campus between the hours of midnight and 6:30 a.m. unless they are accompanied by an adult over 18 years old.
Pets: Pets are not permitted on campus. Fines will be assessed if this policy is broken. Guests are permitted to have a service dog on campus but must bring with them paperwork/proof that the dog is registered within that system for their use. The dog should also be wearing some form of identification that it is indeed a service dog.
Smoking: The University does not permit smoking inside any of its buildings or on it's grounds. If you must smoke, we ask that you do so in your car.
Alcohol: Alcohol is not permitted on campus.
Camping: Tents are not permitted on campus. Mobile homes and recreational vehicles are not permitted for overnight accommodation. All conference participants must stay in a dorm or apartment on campus.
Dining Services
Dining Room
The Lottie Nelson Dining Room is located on the upper level of the Eisenhower Campus Center. The Food Court offers a large variety of food options including hot entrees, an extensive salad bar, and a host of beverages and desserts. Messiah University is proud to provide many food options for those who require specialized diets and diet restrictions.
To gain entrance to the Dining Room you must present your ID tap card or meal ticket only. Children under 13 MUST be accompanied by their parents/chaperone. Standard meal hours are as follows, although they may be altered to accommodate several conferences:
Breakfast: 7:00-8:00 a.m.
Lunch: Noon-1:00 p.m.
Dinner: 5:00-6:00 p.m.
We have an "all you care to eat" policy. You may take as much food as you like, as long as you eat what you take. Please do not waste food. No food may be taken, in any manner, from the dining area.
Extended hours for groups will be posted outside the Dining Room.
Alternate Dining
The Falcon is the a la carte restaurant located on the lower level of the Eisenhower Campus Center. It features a varied menu including items from the grill, varied coffees, fountain items as well as snacks and frozen treats. Regular hours are 7:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. Additional hours are available if they are requested by the conference contact in advance. These hours will be posted outside The Falcon.
Vending Machines
Drink and candy machines can be found throughout campus in building lounges and lobbies. Problems with the machines should be reported to the Dining Services Office in Eisenhower 210.
Security and Emergencies
The Department Of Safety And Dispatchers
The Department of Safety has uniformed officers on duty 24 hours a day, patrolling the campus buildings, grounds, and parking lots. In addition, Dispatchers are available 24 hours a day by calling extension 6005 or (717) 691-6005, or by visiting them on the main level of the Eisenhower Campus Center. If you need to contact a Safety Officer, please contact the dispatcher and they will assist you in contacting an officer.
Fire Alarms
Locate the fire alarms and emergency exits upon arrival. If an alarm sounds, evacuate the building immediately through the nearest exit. Do not use elevators. Do not re-enter the building until the Fire Department or the Safety Officer instructs you to do so.
In the event of an emergency such as a fire or a serious injury requiring a highly trained response team, call 9-911 from any campus phone.
For other concerns that are not as urgent, please contact Guest Relations at (717) 796-4434 or extension 4434 from a campus telephone or Conference Services at extension 6009. Should they not be available, contact the Department of Safety by calling extension 6005. They will respond to the situation as needed.
Medical Emergencies
The University does not have a doctor or nurse available. If an emergency arises please call the Dispatchers at 6005 or simply dial 911 (9-911 from campus phones) to reach emergency personnel. As a courtesy, please report all injuries or emergency incidents to the Dispatchers (x6005), so that they can fill out an incident report.
Our campus is primarily a walking campus. For this reason, we discourage the use of motor vehicles on campus. Please cooperate with us by respecting all regulations and directional signs and parking only in designated parking areas. This will allow the main campus to accommodate speakers, staff, commuters, and handicapped individuals attending your event. Messiah University does ticket cars and reserves the right to have cars towed when necessary that violate traffic regulations.
If you are staying in a dorm, there is parking available near the dorms. Commuters may park near the Campus Center. Be sure to check for the reserved/handicapped areas. Due to township fire regulations, cars may use the area along the main road only as a drop-off area. Four-way flashers are required while parking temporarily.
Bicycles, Rollerblades, Skateboards and Scooters
We ask that those using bicycles and rollerblades be courteous to those walking on the sidewalks. Pedestrians have the right of way. Rollerblades are not permitted on the roadways or inside buildings. Guests are not permitted to use skateboards on University property.
Hitchcock gymnasium, Sawyer gymnasium, and the Frederickson Natatorium are all located in the Sollenberger Sports Center. Each of the gymnasiums has basketball and volleyball courts available. These recreation spaces and swimming pool can be reserved by your conference group for an additional rental fee. Related equipment is available from the Guest Relations Desk. An ID access card is required to check out any equipment items.
Fitness Center
Outdoor Facilities
There are sand volleyball courts behind Mellinger and Kelly apartments. They are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Volleyballs may be checked out through the Guest Relations Desk. An ID access card is required.
There are tennis courts available for use across the covered bridge. Guests must provide their own equipment.
There are two outdoor basketball courts located behind Naugle Dorm along the parking area. They are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The courts may not be used after 10:00 p.m.
Wireless Internet
Wireless internet is available campus-wide at no additional cost.
Campus Store/Post Office
Located on the lower level of Eisenhower Campus Center, the Campus Store features books, apparel and accessories, gift/collectibles, supplies and technology. Please visit messiahugear.com for hours of operation and the online store.
Laundry machines are located in each residence. Guests may use the machines at no additional cost but do need to provide their own detergent.
ATM Machine
An ATM Machine is located on both the Upper and Lower level of the Eisenhower Campus Center. Guests will find one of the machines located on the lower level near the entrance to the Falcon and one located on the second level near the entrance to the Lottie Nelson Dining Hall. A service fee may be charged from the bank for withdrawals.
Guests may request copies be made (fee per copy charged) at the Guest Relations Desk located in the lower lobby of the Eisenhower Campus Center.
Office Supplies
Office supplies such as tape, thumbtacks, markers etc. should be purchased from the Campus Store. Please do not request office supplies from University employees.
Lost and found is located at the Guest Relations Desk in the lower lobby of the Eisenhower Campus Center. Please visit the desk when looking for any missing items from your group.
Recycling Program
Messiah University has an ongoing recycling program which is part of a broader commitment to the Presidential Climate Commitment for a sustainable campus environment. In order to accomplish this, various recycling containers have been positioned throughout all buildings for the collection of paper and cans/bottles. In keeping with current operating policy we are asking that only recyclables be placed into these containers. All trash should be placed in the appropriate trash receptacles and that you make every effort to not place recyclable materials into the trash.
For More Information
If you would like to know more about Messiah University and its broad range of course offerings to you or someone you know, please stop by the Admissions Office located in the Kim S. Phipps Admissions and Welcome Center.
Campus Activities
The Murray Library's hours are 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. Extended hours or changes will be posted.