Meals and Meal Plans

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Meals and Meal Plans

Click the appropriate link below to view more information:

Dining Services, student meal plan heading


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Dining Services, Emp meals for home2


Q:  I have the Dining Dollars Meal Plan for the fall semester.  When does this plan end?

A:  The Fall Dining Dollars Meal Plan ends on Friday, December 19, 2024.  Remember the discounts vary at the different restaurants!

DD Discounts

Lottie 52%
Union Café 30%
The Falcon 30%
Café Diem 30%
Café @ Winding Hill 30%

Q:  Can I pay for my friend using my DD discount?

A: As has been policy for several years, per the Meal Plan Agreement, the Dining Dollars benefit is exclusive to the owner of the Dining Dollars Meal Plan.  Your guest will be charged the regular door price. Please remember the DD discount is available only to those students who have purchased the Dining Dollars meal plan for their own personal use.  Lottie is a door price per person, so the discount is available for only one meal per meal period.  Any additional guests are charged the regular door price.

Q:  I'm running low on Dining Dollars.  How do I add more to my account?

A:  To access more funds immediately, Transact eAccounts can help!  Click the button below to connect to the Falcon Exchange webpage to see a step-by-step guide on how to add additional Dining Dollars to your account.

Dining Services DD button