Enjoy 10% discount on all restaurant purchases.
Enhance the sense of community at Messiah University by dining with your colleagues and our students in our on-campus dining facilities.
Employee Meal Plans are available for the Fall Semester, Spring Semester and Summer Session.
Cost: $150.00 per semester
$250.00 per semester
$350.00 per semester
Receive a 10% discount on all purchases in Lottie Nelson Dining Hall, Union Café, The Falcon, Café Diem, Café @ Winding Hill and The Hut.
Payment Options:
- Cash, Check or Credit Card - pay in full when you select the plan
- Payroll Deduction during Fall and Spring Semesters only - 6 payroll deductions
Please stop by the Dining Services Office with your Employee ID and the attached Employee Meal Plan Agreement to sign up.