The charter members and leaders establish this organization to provide opportunities for the outdoor lover in the college community through enjoyment and fellowship with others, while emphasizing the development of leadership through training of members. The club will also place an emphasis on safety and community service.
ARTICLE I. Name of the Organization
The name of this organization shall be the Messiah University Outdoors Club.
ARTICLE II. Objectives
To provide outdoor recreational opportunities for Messiah University students. To foster a closer relationship with God through His creation and fellowship with our peers. To develop proficiency in outdoor recreational skills, and a strong sense of safety awareness in all areas of outdoor activities and events. To help our environment and community through acts of service. To learn to have a deeper respect for the natural environment that is around us.
To bring together people and gain friendships with those who enjoy outdoor activities.
ARTICLE III. Membership
Any student of Messiah University, experienced or non-experienced in outdoor activities, interested in participating in club activities, and willing to abide by this constitution is by their consent of affiliation a member of this club. Students must be on the e-mail list, in order to be considered a member of the Outdoors Club. Confirmed participants are those who have signed up for a trip and have not notified the Trip Leader of their cancellation within 24 hours. Confirmed participants who do not participate in the trip, are issued a written warning. The second time they fail to participate, they are put on the Black List. As trips fill on a first come, first serve bases; those who are on the Black List automatically fall to the bottom of list of participants. The Black List is cleared at the end of every academic year. The responsibility of the Black List goes to the Vice- President.
ARTICLE IV. Rights and Responsibilities of Members
A. The right to participate in any activity sponsored or made available to the club, providing the maximum number of participants for that activity has not been filled, and they meet trip pre-requisites.
B. The responsibility to maintain safety standards and stated regulations during participation in activities.
C. The responsibility to act in accordance with the Messiah University Community Covenant and with the instructions issued by the club's leaders.
D. The right to give any input on preference of activities and any other suggestions for the betterment of the club.
E. The right to vote in all club elections.
F. The right to attend all meetings held by the club, scheduled when needed by the executive board.
G. The club will provide opportunities for members to become leaders in a certain activity. This may include necessary certification, training, and experience in this area or activity.
H. Participants must only sign up for events on their own behalf.
ARTICLE V. Officers and Elections
Section 1. Executive Officers
A. The club shall be governed by an elected executive board consisting of President, Vice-President, and Secretary, Treasurer, and Trip Leader Coordinator.
B. The term of office will start May 1 and run through April 30 of the following year.
C. The officers and trip leaders shall work together to direct the efforts of the club to meet its objectives.
D. To be an executive officer, one must first serve as a Trip Leader or Activity Specialist.
E. In order to run for a Trip Leader Coordinator position, one must be a trip leader and have led multiple trips and demonstrates necessary skills.
F. To run for president, one must have been on the executive board for at least one semester.
G. The executive officers listed in A above can vote to add executive positions for the year to meet specific club needs.
Section 2. Responsibilities of Officers
A. The President shall conduct all administrative business affairs, preside over club meetings, and oversee all events sponsored by the club.
B. The Vice-President shall support the President in all his/her work and perform the President's duties in their absence. He/She also reserves cars/vans if necessary for club activities. He/She also oversees the trip planning meetings.
C. The Secretary/Treasurer shall carry out basic clerical activities as designated by the President, keep members informed about club activities, and serves as the financial liaison between the OC and SGA. They also manage the OC budget.
D. Trip Leader Coordinator secures leadership for trips and trains trip leaders. They are the primary person responsible to overseeing trips.
E. All officers work together to implement Outdoors Club events.
F. The executive officers can create new positions to meet the needs of the club. These positions will be filled via an election.
ARTICLE VI. Election of officers
A. Election of executive officers shall be by public election near the end of the spring semester (before the designated date set by SGA)
B. Persons who are interested in running for positions must meet the criteria in section V and send an e-mail to the executive team stating why they wish to run. They also must not be on the black list.
C. During elections, candidates will be ask to articulate why they want to serve in the position that they are running for.
D. Elections will be by secret ballot, collected and tallied by the current advisors .
E. A majority vote will be necessary to elect an officer. If a majority is not reached, a run off will be held immediately.
ARTICLE VII. Vacancies
A. Any officer of the Messiah University Outdoors Club who feels that they can no longer fulfill their duties shall submit a written statement of resignation to the executive board at least two weeks in advance of intended termination of duties.
B. If the office of President becomes vacant, it shall be filled by the Vice-President.
C. If any other unexpired term of office is vacated, a replacement will be appointed by the remaining executive board members as soon as possible. If the person accepts, they will take office immediately.
D. If for any reason an officer must be removed or asked to step down, the President must approach the officer and discuss the issue. At that time, they will be asked to resign and will be replaced by the end of a four-week period.
ARTICLE VIII. Amendments
Amendments are changes made to the constitutions during the academic year. The club is required to submit a constitution at the end of every academic year. Changes can happen to the constitution at this time following the procedures listed below. Amendment to this constitution may be made by a 2/3 vote duly established in any club meeting.
Amendments may be submitted by any club member, typed, to the Executive Board a week before the meeting where it will be voted on.