Housing Contracts

Housing Contracts

All residential students are required to sign a Housing Contract which provides general policies and regulations for students living in university-owned housing.  Students need to adhere to other disseminated university community standards and policies as well. Having a housing contract allows you, as a resident, to be informed of all of your rights and responsibilities. It is important that you read over your entire housing contract prior to signing it.

Housing Contract Cancellation

A housing contract is issued for one academic year (two semesters). You or the University can cancel your agreement. You may cancel your housing agreement by submitting a cancellation form or written statement to the Office of Residence Life. Refer to your agreement or contact the Office of Residence Life for information regarding cancellation fees. Cancelling your housing contract does not cancel your meal agreement.

Housing Contract Payments & Fees

You agree to pay to the Business Office the published Agreement rate for your housing according to the Business Office’s schedule. Failure to make required payments does not relieve you of the obligations and duties of the agreement. You are also subject to the Business Office’s late payment fees for past due balances on your account, including housing and any related housing charges.

Housing Sign-Up Information

For more information about the housing sign-up process for continuing students please click here.

Housing Contracts 2025-2026

Housing Contracts 2024-2025

Housing Contracts 2023-2024