Undergraduate Summer 2025 Housing Information
Apply for undergraduate summer housing and/or sign the summer housing contract
Who Can Live on Campus During the Summer?
- Students who are Messiah FULL TIME college employees for the summer
- Anyone completing an internship for Messiah University credit
Summer Housing Application Due Date
- Applications are due by Wednesday, April 16, 2025 for Student Employees
- Applications are due by Wednesday, April 16, 2025 for students with internships (for credit) who wish to live in Witmer over the summer.
- Vacations may NOT be taken during the move in or move out dates: May 10/11 & August 10, 2025. If you have a once in a lifetime event during these times you MUST note them on your application.
Summer Rooming Assignments
- All summer employees & students taking an internship will be living in Witmer Residence Hall.
- Summer room assignments will be emailed by May 2, 2025.
- Students can request to live together as roommates.
- Assignments will be made according to availability. Housing student employees will be given first priority and then undergraduate research students and internship students will be placed on a first come, first serve basis.
- We reserve the right to assign a substitute or relocate students should a resident move or cancel their assignment
- Everyone will move into their summer housing assignment on Saturday following graduation, after receiving an email to confirm their summer housing.
- Everyone will move into their fall housing assignments on August 10.
- If you do not have a fall housing assignment on the Grantham campus because you will be studying abroad or off-campus you must find a friend to stay with on campus. Please notify the Residence Life Office about where you will be saying so that you may be granted card access. If you need help finding a place to stay the Residence Life Office.
- If you do not have a fall housing assignment on the Grantham campus because you are living off-campus for the fall semester you may move off-campus beginning August 8 and receive an extra $1/hour for the rest of summer (instead of getting room and board as part of your compensation) or you may find a friend to stay with on campus until Friday, August 22, 2025. Please notify the Residence Life Office about where you will be staying so that you may be granted card access. If you need help finding a place to stay the Residence Life Office.
Summer Employees
- Only FULL TIME summer employees may live on-campus.
- Summer employees whose work assignment(s) end must check out of their rooms 24 hours after the assignment has ended.
- If a student employee withdraws from the college during the summer, they are required to resign from their job and move out of on-campus housing withing 24 hours.
- Summer employees with work assignments that do not go through August 15, may not be able to move into their fall housing assignment until August 22.
- Summer employees with work assignments that go through August 15, will be permitted to move into their fall housing assignment on August 10.
- Summer employees are responsible for arranging a room check out.
- Summer employees with master keys or conference keys are not permitted to grant access to students to move furniture or other items into fall housing assignments..
- Any student employees with a hold on their account will need to stay with a friend or move off-campus after August 10. If the hold has not been lifted by August 18 the student will be required to move out of college housing.
General Information for All Summer Employees
- Keys must be picked up at check-in. The Department of Safety is not permitted to grant access to summer employees/students
Summer 2025 Room & Board Rates
- $355/week and includes room and meals.
- All summer student employees whose job does not require them to live on campus will not be charged room and board, but will have applicable federal, state,and/or local taxes withheld from paychecks on the taxable, non-cash value of the board. Students who are uncertain if their job requires living on campus should contact the job supervisor. Students who are uncertain if their job requires living on campus should contact the job supervisor.
- Full-Time student employees living on-campus will receive a $20/week student-paid room charge. The $20 a week will be automatically deducted from the student employee paychecks. This includes a full meal plan to Lottie Nelson Dining Hall.
- Students living on-campus because of an internship will be billed
- Housing rates questions regarding tax amounts on room and/or board should be directed to the Student Employment Coordinator in the Payroll Office.
Ready to apply for summer housing? Looking to sign the contract?
Questions? Please email housing@messiah.edu or contact the Residence Life Office at ext. 5239
Summer Housing Eligibility
- JOB: Full-time, 30 hours/week or more on campus during the summer; REQUIRED to live on campus. positions include: Conference Operations Team Members, Audio/Visual Conference Operations Team, Summer RA’s, and members of Seven. Student worker is responsible for the $20/week charge that is automatically deducted from the student's paycheck.
- JOB: Full-time, 30 hours/week or more on campus during the summer; NOT REQUIRED to live on campus. Room and board rate is $355/per week. Student worker is NOT responsible to pay the $355, but is responsible for applicable taxes and the $20/week charge that is automatically deducted from the student's paycheck.
- JOB: Part time <30 hours/week on campus during the summer; MAY NOT live on campus. Exceptions may be considered.
- for Messiah University credit. Student is responsible for 100% of room charge.