If you are considering international travel, we invite you to view the video from a previous trip to Zambia, an international senior clinical experience. This trip will be life-changing filled with fun, growth, and cultural challenges.
The NURS 414 Population and Global Health course taught in the senior spring semester includes a 3-week clinical immersion experience that can be completed locally or in Zambia at Macha Mission Hospital. The course is taught over 8 weeks. Week 1 includes upfront theory content. During weeks 2-4 students have the option to complete their clinical hours locally or in Zambia where they will focus on the care of patient groups in a rural African community. In weeks 5-8 students complete the remaining clincial hours in local community clinical agencies near Messiah University.

Follow our senior nursing students as they study international nursing at the Macha Mission Hospital in Zambia as part of the Population and Global Health course.