Soccer crests
The Messiah College men’s and women’s soccer crests are property of Messiah College Athletics and the Falcons’ soccer programs. The permissions for these marks within the greater scope of the Messiah College Athletics visual identity have been grandfathered in and, as such, are the only team-specific logo marks permitted for any of the Falcons’ sport programs.
Procedures for use on all apparel
In the interest of the Athletics brand — e.g., it’s strength, prominence and distinction within intercollegiate athletics — the following expectations are outlined with regard to the use of the soccer crests on all apparel items, both program and promotional.
- The soccer crests may not occupy any spot on a team uniform.
- The soccer crests must be accompanied on the same side of any apparel or gear item by either the primary logo or the primary word mark — i.e., the soccer crests may never be the stand-alone image on any item.
- If both a crest and either the primary logo or primary word mark are not on the same side of an item, the primary logo or primary word mark must be on the front of that item.