SAGE faqs

Frequently Asked Questions

Messiah University does not hold that it is morally unacceptable to experience same-sex attraction. Similarly, the University does not hold a specific view on the empirical question regarding the causes of sexual orientation or on the related question of whether sexual orientation can be changed. Regardless of sexual orientation, the University does have expectations of every member of our Christ-centered educational community to live according to the community's behavioral codes of conduct (student and employee), including those expectations related to sexual practices.

Some key aspects of Messiah University’s understanding of same-sex attraction and expression are:

  • All members of our community, being created in God's image, are to be treated with respect, grace, understanding, compassion, and love
  • Being attracted to persons of the same sex is not morally unacceptable
  • The University affirms Christian marriage to be the union of one man and one woman. Because of this, the University views premarital and extramarital intercourse and same-sex sexual expression as falling outside of God’s design for human sexuality.

In today's culture, it is important to realize that our students are already thinking and talking a great deal about matters related to sexuality. In keeping with our educational mission, Messiah University wants to foster a Christ-centered approach to these conversations—one that is gracious, healthy, mature, critically informed, and characterized by love.

Messiah University has consistently offered spaces for our students to process, connect, and gain access to resources. SAGE is not a new initiative, but it is an updated program to provide relevant, informed care for the identities and experiences of the student body related to themes of sexuality, relationships, and gender. 

No. The creation of SAGE just means that the University has fine-tuned its educational program offerings tied to its commitment to applying our gracious Christian faith to complex social issues such as sexuality and gender.

Students who identify as LGBT+ are welcomed at Messiah University.

The University does not ask prospective or current students at any point to disclose information regarding their sexual orientation. There are students at Messiah University—past and present—who would self-identify as LGBT+.

Messiah University offers all students the appropriate care and support they need through a variety of offices and programs in the Division of Student Success and Engagement. Beyond these broader support systems, students who identify as LGBT+ can access individualized or group care and support through SAGE advisors, the Engle Center, and/or campus pastors, and experience fellowship and learning on LGBT+ matters and concerns through SAGE Prism.

SAGE advisors can also assist students in finding a local resource off-campus, such as a church home, healthcare provider, or support group.

Current students can view the most up-to-date schedule of events happening each semester on campus through FalconLink, as well as through the Instagram page @messiahsage. SAGE collaborates on a variety of programming including large presentations and small group discussions or workshops throughout the year. SAGE Prism meetings are scheduled at consistent times throughout the academic year. SAGE Connects programming is scheduled at a variety of times throughout the academic year and may include chapel series or programs, small group opportunities, or collaborative events.

SAGE also supports confidential groups that regularly meet every semester in collaboration with the Engle Center.

For more information on details regarding programs or groups, contact SAGE advisors through or @messiahsage on Instagram.

Any form of sexual harassment or misconduct, interpersonal violence, or sex-based discrimination—including incidents involving an employee of the University—can be reported to the Title IX Coordinator. You can visit the University's Title IX page for more information and options to report.

For those who want to report anonymously, you have a couple of options—

Confidential resources include the Prevention and Education Specialist, campus pastors, and counselors at the Engle Center.

Or! You can access the online reporting option available via this link, and file your report anonymously. 

The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for compliance with Title IX, a piece of legislation protecting student and employee experiences related to sex-based safety and equity.

Messiah University's Title IX Coordinator is Amanda Coffey (Vice President for Human Resources & Compliance).

We also have Deputy Coordinators: Doug Wood (Dean of Students) and Brooke Good (Assistant Director of Athletics/Senior Women’s Administrator).

For more information, visit

On-campus confidential resources include the Prevention and Education Specialist, the counselors at the Engle Center for Counseling & Health Services, and the campus pastors in Campus Ministries.

Please be aware that even within confidential settings, these professionals are mandated by law to report anything that jeopardizes the safety of students, including abuse of minors, threats of violence toward a community member, suicidal ideation, etc.

SAGE Prism is designed to be a safe space for undergraduate students. Employees are not invited to attend Prism meetings or programs.

SAGE Prism is an open group, not a closed group. Open groups do not require registration to attend; any student is welcome to attend as long as they are respectful and participate according to the group agreements. While open groups such as Prism are not confidential, they are a discreet, supportive environment that is meant to be safe and welcoming for all students participating.

Everyone is welcome at SAGE Prism. Well, everyone who is an undergraduate student at Messiah University!

We ask only that everyone who comes remain respectful of others and their views. You can get involved just by showing up, or by e-mailing for more information. SAGE Prism does not require you to commit to attending, but we do welcome and encourage consistent involvement so that we can build close community and relationships to foster trust, support, safety, and learning together.

Housing requests for transgender students are processed on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration factors such as the type of housing being requested and the biological sex and gender expression of the student. Student preferences are processed in light of the availability of on- and off-campus accommodation options. As with any student residential situation on Messiah's campus, the dignity, well-being, and respect for all students are central to all decision-making and communication. In addition, maps highlighting single-user restrooms on campus are available from Conference & Event Services (upper level of Eisenhower Campus Center) or from the Office of Student Engagement (upper level of Larsen Student Union).

In addition to what is provided through the SAGE website and educational programming, SAGE advisors can help connect students with the appropriate resources or personnel to address any questions while maintaining student privacy. Reach out through to connect with these advisors.

Additionally, the University's Title IX Coordinator can assist with matters related to sex or gender-based equity.

Groups that are available each semester depend on professional capacity and student interest. Group collaborations between SAGE, mental health counseling and support, and campus ministries have included the following:

  • The Journey Group (women) - For women recovering from sexual abuse
  • The Journey Group (men) - For men recovering from sexual abuse
  • MAP - Men's sexual and porn addiction recovery
  • She, Us & I - For women invested in growing their intimacy, sexual and/or relationship health
  • Content-specific chapel opportunities that may include sexual or relational health


More groups may be available if needed. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Engle Center or e-mailing

If you are a prospective student or parent, you may wish to start by contacting the Office of Admissions with any questions.

You may direct any SAGE-related questions to SAGE advisors through the SAGE email address Dr. Marcelle Giovannetti, the Vice Provost for Student Success and Engagement, provides leadership to SAGE advisors and programming. Depending on your question, other areas that may be able to assist include the Engle Center for Counseling and Health Services, the Office of Residence Life, or the Office of the Dean of Students.