
Find useful resources for Messiah's IPE programs below. 

  • Augmenting Master of Counseling Student Learning Outcomes through Interprofessional Education Experiences with Master of Fine Arts Students
  • CACREC IPE standards:
    • Standard 3.A.3. counselors’ roles, responsibilities, and relationships as members of specialized practice and interprofessional teams, including (a) collaboration and consultation, (b) community outreach, and (c) emergency response management
      • *There are also specific standards that are relevant to specialty areas within the field, including:
        • College Counseling & Student Affairs: Standard 5.E.10. roles of college counselors and student affairs professionals in collaborating with personnel from other educational settings to facilitate college and postsecondary transitions
        • Rehabilitation Counseling: Standard 5.G.13. consultation and collaboration with employers regarding the legal rights and benefits of hiring individuals with disabilities, including Americans with Disabilities Act adherence, accommodations, universal design, and workplace disability prevention
        • School Counseling: Standard 5.H.3. models of school-based collaboration and consultation
  • ACEND IPE standards:
    • CRDN 2.3 Demonstrate Participation, teamwork, and contributions in group settings.
    • CRDN 2.4 Function as a member of interprofessional teams.
    • CRDN 2.5 Work collaboratively with NDTR's and/or support personnel in other disciplines.
    • CRDN 2.6 Refer clients and patients to other professionals and services when needs are beyond individual scope of practice.

Undergraduate and Graduate

NTF Standards Related to IPE

From the National Task Force on Quality Nurse Practitioner Education (NTF):

NTF Criterion III.F: The NP curriculum includes interprofessional educational experiences (IPE).

Required Evidence:

  • Curriculum plan that demonstrates how the program prepares graduates with nationally recognized interprofessional (IP) education competencies.
  • Curriculum plan that includes NP students’ didactic and/or clinical experiences with other health professions students. 
  • Student logs, reflections, and evaluation of learning experiences that demonstrate integration of IP experiences or documentation of IP scholarly work.

“The second influence is the inclusion of interprofessional education (IPE) in NP educational programs. The NTF agrees that IPE experiences are essential for preparing NPs for interprofessional practice (IP). The NTFS states that all NP students have IPE clinical experiences.”

CCNE Standards Related to IPE

From the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)

CCNE Standard III-J: The curriculum includes planned experiences that foster interprofessional collaborative practice.

Elaboration: The program provides planned didactic, simulation, and/or clinical practice experiences that prepare students to engage in interprofessional collaborative practice. The program affords opportunities for students to collaborate with a variety of individuals and/or organizations that enable students to develop the necessary communication and negotiation skills to enhance patient outcomes.

Required to provide examples of didactic, simulation, and/or clinical practice experiences that prepare students to engage in interprofessional collaborative practice.

AACN Essentials Related to IPE

Essentials from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing

AACN Essentials Domain 6:
Domain 6: Interprofessional Partnerships
Descriptor: Intentional collaboration across professions and with care team members, patients, families, communities, and other stakeholders to optimize care, enhance the healthcare experience, and strengthen outcomes.
Contextual Statement: Professional partnerships that include interprofessional,
intraprofessional, and paraprofessional partnerships, build on a consistent demonstration of core professional values (altruism, excellence, caring, ethics, respect, communication, and shared accountability) in the provision of team-based, person-centered care.

Nursing knowledge and expertise uniquely contributes to the intentional work within teams and in concert with patient, family, and community preferences and goals. Interprofessional partnerships require a coordinated, integrated, and collaborative implementation of the unique knowledge, beliefs, and skills of the full team for the end purpose of optimized care delivery.

Effective collaboration requires an understanding of team dynamics and an ability to work effectively in care-oriented teams. Leadership of the team varies depending on needs of the individual, community, population, and context of care.

IPE Considerations for Occupational Therapy Educators

Importance of Interprofessional Education for Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy IPE Standards:
B.3.21 Demonstrate effective communication with clients, care partners, communities, and members of the intraprofessional and interprofessional teams in a responsive and responsible manner that supports a team approach to promote client outcomes.

B.3.22 Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of intraprofessional and interprofessional team dynamics to perform effectively in different team roles to plan, deliver, and evaluate patient- and population-centered care as well as population health programs and policies that are safe, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable.


IPE Standards from CAPTE

From the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE)

6F.  The didactic and clinical education curriculum includes intra-professional (PT/PTA) and interprofessional (PT with other professions/disciplines) learning activities that are based on bestpractice and directed toward the development of intra-professional and interprofessional competencies including, but not limited to, values/ethics, communication, professional roles and responsibilities, and teamwork.

For interprofessional* education (didactic and clinical), describe the intentional learning activities that address:

  • Values and ethics
  • Communication
  • Professional roles and responsibilities
  • Teamwork

7D18. Participate in patient-centered interprofessional collaborative practice.

7D23. Assess, document, and minimize safety risks of individuals and the health care provider: Design and implement strategies to improve safety in the health care setting as an individual and as a member of the interprofessional health care team