As students and faculty in the Messiah University Honors Program together strive for intellectual excellence and Christian faithfulness, these 6 themes guide our experiences both in and out of the classroom.

Exploring Fundamental Questions
With those thinkers who came before us, we desire to explore fundamental questions about who we are and how we should conduct ourselves.
Facing Disputed Questions
We do not avoid those questions about which reasonable people differ, but rather face them together in a spirit of both inquiry and civility toward others holding various opinions.

Cultivating a Christian Worldview
We look for the ways in which our Christian faith rightly shapes our thinking-how we ought to read, write, study, create, and act.
Growing and Applying Talents
We want to be found faithful in how we use our gifts and talents and long to hear our Lord's affirmation, "Well done."

Engaging in Conversation
Both in and out of the classroom, concerning both academic and non-academic matters, we enjoy learning from one another and about one another through conversation.
Enjoying Community
In both serious and light-hearted ways, we enjoy looking for and receiving things that are good and true and beautiful together as a community.