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General Education

General Education

Messiah University educates men and women toward maturity of intellect, character, and Christian faith in preparation for lives of service, leadership, and reconciliation in church and society. General education plays a vital role in advancing this mission and reflecting our distinctive values as a Christ-centered university.

We believe our world needs graduates who think critically and creatively; graduates who have learned to ask meaningful questions and produce collaborative, innovative work; graduates who communicate effectively in all mediums and with diverse audiences. Our world needs graduates who demonstrate curiosity and empathy because of their breadth of knowledge about the human and physical world and because of their appreciation for diverse cultures and perspectives. Our world needs graduates who display character: self-aware, reasoning and acting ethically as informed citizens, and discerning a vocational path that honors God and serves others.

General education at Messiah University is important because we know that a specialized degree must be placed in a wider context to fully prepare students for a lifelong journey of discerning wise and creative responses to a world in need of God’s healing and redemption.

Sub-categories of General Education