Students will articulate a sense of Christian vocation and Christian commitments that lead to responsible decisions and actions.
General Education Outcomes
General education at Messiah University cultivates thinking, knowing, being, and doing that is rooted in our calling to love God and neighbor. Learning is grounded in exploration of a wide range of disciplinary perspectives in order to promote an intellectual curiosity that considers the what, how, and why of learning. Making connections across bodies of knowledge reveals a fuller and more complex view of the world. Disciplined reflection inspires a richer understanding of and deeper commitment to living out the Christian faith. Encountering a diversity of perspectives advances intercultural understanding and instills joy in the rich heritage of a global community. General education ensures that students make connections between what they learn and how they live, so they place their gifts in service to God and others in ways that are transformational not only for the individual but also for the common good.
General education at Messiah University is important, because we know that a specialized degree must be placed in a wider context to fully prepare students for a lifelong journey of discerning wise and creative responses to a world in need of God’s healing and redemption.
Program learning objectives (PLOs) summarize what students will learn as a result of completing the curriculum. Additionally, PLOs provide a framework through which the university evaluates and improves student learning. Students who complete Messiah’s general education accomplish the following program learning objectives.

Students will articulate a breadth of knowledge about the physical and human world and corresponding ways of knowing.

Students will employ knowledge of and appreciation for a broad range of cultures and perspectives to function effectively within culturally diverse settings and employ difference toward innovative solutions.

Students will reason and act ethically, as informed citizens able to engage in civil dialogue and to discern, in community, the common good.

Students will ask meaningful questions, engage in focused inquiry, analysis, and synthesis to produce innovative work.

Students will demonstrate self-awareness, discern vocation, and apply their skills and knowledge in professional contexts.

Students will communicate effectively in oral, written, and visual mediums.