
Ticket Information

Number of tickets per graduate

Each graduate is ensured six (6) tickets for guests to attend the Commencement ceremony. All guests, regardless of age, will require a ticket. Graduates do not need a ceremony ticket for themselves.

Graduates: How to order tickets for your guests

Graduates can use the below online form to order tickets for their guests.  Tickets include both floor seating and bleacher-style seats.  If someone in your party needs handicap-accessible seating, please email after submitting your order. Tickets can be printed at home or scanned from a phone. 

Important: Ticket requests will ONLY be accepted from students from the School of Graduate & Professional Studies who have informed the Graduate Registrar's Office they plan to participate in the May 17, 2025 Commencement ceremony. (Note: The deadline to inform the registrar's office of your intent to participate is March 25, 2025.)

  • Students must enter their 8-digit Messiah University student ID number as the Coupon Code at checkout when submitting the online form (for identity verification). 

Order tickets