MLK day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Messiah University observes MLK Day to celebrate the amazing life and work of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Dr. King encouraged citizens to serve as an avenue for change. The mission of MLK Community Engagement Day is to provide an experience for students and employees to engage with the vision of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in an active manner through the service of listening, action and understanding.

In observation of this holiday in a typical year, classes at Messiah University are cancelled so that students and employees can participate in service alongside the greater Harrisburg community.  Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some changes were made this year.  Staff & students were encouraged to serve our community by volunteering with and working through the Central Pennsylvania MLK Day Committee.  Thank you to all who served in their own unique way this year!

If you have any questions, please contact the Agape Center at

MLK Plunge Day; Agape

During commemoration week, we reflect together on the vision and Christian ministry of Dr. King for the purpose of encouraging and cultivating a deeper commitment to be God's agents of justice, peace and reconciliation.

To learn more about MLK Commemoration Week Events, visit: