Key to Gilled Fungi
Note: Certain poroid fungi (e.g., Lenzites betulina, Gloeophyllum sepiarium) have pores which "break down" and
gill-like structures. Unlike the true gilled fungi, the "gills" of these poroid fungi have a tough texture and are not
separable from the rest of the fungus. Certain other poroid fungi (Poroid Key Group B) also develop a
gill-like fertile
1. Basidiocarp sessile or with a lateral stem............................................................................Group A
1. Basidiocarp with a central to eccentric stem
2. Volva present, annulus absent............................................................................Volvariella bombycina
2. Volva absent, annulus present or not
3. Annulus absent on upper portion of stipe
4. Mushroom growing from hickory nuts or walnuts .......................................... Mycena crocea
4. Mushroom growing on a substrate other than hickory nuts or walnuts
5. Edge of gills even
6. Gills conspicuously decurrent to subdecurrent..................................................Group B
6. Gills free or if attached, not decurrent
7. Spore print white to buff or pinkish-salmon ..................................................Group C
7. Spore print brown to purple-brown to black
8. Spore print brown (cinnamon to rust-brown to dark brown) ................. Agrocybe spp.
8. Spore print purple-brown to black ........................................................Group D
5. Edge of gills notched or toothed like a saw or appearing eroded or torn
9. Spore print pinkish or white
10. Spore print pinkish, cap bluish to violet, gill edges dark blue-black........ Entoloma serrulatum
10. Spore print white, cap brownish-grey, streaked with dark, radial fibers; gills white,
may appear torn or eroded; white rhizomorphs at base of stalk.......Megacollybia rodmanii
9. Spore print buff; cap pinkish-brown to brown, smooth, developing depressed
center in age; gills pinkish brown..........................................................Lentinellus micheneri
3. Annulus present on upper portion of stipe.......................................................................Group E
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