Climenhaga Homestead & McBeth Alumni Center

In the 1920s, Asa and Anna Climenhaga built their on-campus homestead in part to become better connected to the campus and its students. Asa Climenhaga, our first dean, and his wife, Anna, a Latin teacher, were known for opening their home to countless relatives, students, and guests of the University. It is a fitting tribute to the Climenhagas to preserve this stately homestead as a steady reminder of their Christian hospitality and their service to Messiah University for more than half a century. Today this facility houses beautifully furnished guest rooms, meeting rooms and conference facilities.


Scheduling for these two locations is handled through the EMS WebApp scheduling system.

Scheduling Policies

  • All events and guests are scheduled through the Box Office.
  • The Climenhaga Homestead and McBeth Alumni Center may be closed during Breaks and Holidays.

Climenhaga Homestead

The Homestead has four guest suites, each with its own private bath and sunroom. Each guest suite offers telephone, internet connection, and cable TV. A hospitality basket is provided for each room.

  • Minnemingo - 2 twin beds and full bath
  • Yellow Breeches - queen bed and shower only (no tub)
  • Falcon Nest - queen bed and full bath
  • President's Suite - queen bed and full bath

In order to maintain the integrity of the furnishings in the Climenhaga Homestead, overnight guests should be at least 12 years of age or older. Children ages 12-18 must be accompanied by an adult.

There will be a one year advance booking limit on overnight accommodations.