Faith formation

Faith Formation for Grad Students

"The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will ... rejoice over you with singing."

- Zephaniah 3:17

Graduate Student Worship Services

Graduate Student Worship Services are held at Winding Hill from 12:15 p.m. - 12:55 p.m. in room 140/142.

Fall 2024 Worship Service Dates:

  • Tuesday, October 8th
  • Monday, December 9th

Are you interested in participating in the service through:

  • Worship band
  • Reading
  • Brief testimonial

Email to get involved!

Grad Student Lunch with Messiah's Community Pastor

Join our pastor, Stephen Gallaher, every-other week at Winding Hill Café! Bring or buy your lunch.

Fellowship. Ask questions. Dialogue. Pray!  

Come and go as your schedule allows.

Fall 2024 Lunches with Pastor Stephen:

  • Monday, October 14th
  • Monday, October 28th
  • Monday, November 11th

Grad Student Spiritually Enriching Opportunities

Weekly Bible Study

Join us every Tuesday from 8-8:45am at the Falcon Café on main campus (by the campus bookstore)!

Stay tuned for more faith-enriching opportunties in-person and via Zoom!