The History Club at Messiah University is a student-run organization open to all Messiah students (history majors and non-history majors) interested in exploring the past. Our History Club Constitution is available here as a PDF.
For History Club Events, visit the History Club Facebook page.
Follow us on Instagram
- To raise the level of historical awareness on the Messiah University campus.
- To encourage scholarship and continued study in the field of history.
- To understand and explore the presence of God throughout time and in our discipline.
- To cultivate an enjoyment of the past among students, in and out of the major.
- To build community among students and faculty.
Goals and Objectives:
- To explore the many and diverse historical sites, parks, battlefields and museums surrounding Messiah University.
- To host guest lectures.
- To evaluate and discuss the historical accuracy and meaning of historic films and documentaries.
- To provide students with valuable resources, advice and information on graduate programs and schools in which to continue study in the field of history.
- To promote fellowship among students who share similar interests, goals and passions.

An Erasmus Club meeting in fall 2017
Events and Activities:
The history club contributes to the following events and activities:
- Graduate School & Career Night (an interactive panel discussion with department faculty and history alumni)
- Fall Welcome BBQ (an introduction of first year students and faculty to the History, Politics and International Relations department at the Lower Allen Township park)
- Christmas Carol night (visits to faculty homes at end of fall semester)
- Movie Nights (faculty directed discussion of movies and their historical representation and accuracy)
- Field Trips (Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Fallingwater, etc..)
- Spring Picnic (held in late April / early May)
Current Officers:
President: Keli Ganey
Social Media Manager:
Past Officers:
2021-2022: Chloe Kauffman and Autumn Miller (co-presidents), Dylan Goss (treasurer), Social Media (Keli Ganey)
2021-2021: Chloe Kauffman (president), Dylan Goss (treasurer)
2019-2020: Chloe Kauffman and Kyra Yoder (co-presidents), Dylan Goss (treasurer), Keanan Wolf (secretary and social media manager)
2018-2019: Robin Schwarzmann, Sarah Wilson, and Kyra Yoder (co-presidents), Devon Hearn (treasurer), Rachel Williams (secretary)
2017-2018: Josh Carter and Sarah Wilson (co-presidents), Ben Baddorf (treasurer), Robin Schwarzmann (social media manager), Rachel Williams (secretary)
2016-2017: Kayla Rollins and Josh Carter (co-presidents), Rachel Williams and Sarah Wilson (secretary and treasurer)
2015-2016: Katy Kaslow and Kyle Polinka (co-presidents), Megan Ekstrom and Kayla Rollins (secretary and treasurer)
2014-2015: Beki Randolph and Katy Kaslow (co-presidents), Megan Ekstrom and Kyle Polinka (secretary and treasurer)
2013-2014: Brianna LaCasse and Eli Kane (co-presidents), Beki Randolph and Kathryn Kaslow (secretary and treasurer)
2012-2013: Megan Keller and Eli Kane (co-presidents), Brianna LaCasse and Ashley King (secretary and treasurer)
2011-2012: Amanda Mylin and Katie Garland (co-presidents), Hillary Carter and Megan Keller (secretary and treasurer)
2010-2011: Elizabeth Coon and Christine Kelly (co-presidents), Katie Garland and Amanda Mylin (secretary and treasurer)
2009-2010: Caitlin Babcock and Courtney Weller (co-presidents), Christine Kelly and Elizabeth Coon (secretary and treasurer)
2008-2009: Michelle Bomboy and Lucy Vallana (co-presidents), Caitlin Babock and Courtney Weller (secretary and treasurer)
2007-2008: Mary Lee Shade (co-president)
2006-2007: Rachel Heeter and Mary Lee Shade (co-presidents)
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sarah Myers
History Club Email: History Club